




我只能說: 這張表情真的很不自然....(失敗~~~~)


Knitted cardigan---earth music&ecology

Y-back cami---earth music&ecology

acid hotpants---OZOC

ankle peep toe shoes---TINO BELLINI

black and while bladed belt---MANGO

stud bag---GUCCI



Taipei 101 has been a popular attraction in Taipei City, even the commercials

have become everyone's favorite photography partners.

The commercial behind me is created by BOSS, this image at first looks

like a paintings, don't you think? and the next second, you'll realize that

technology makes vitual effects even better!

The original image has been decorated some vintage effects to make

it look more retro. WOW~ even though, the firm line of these two yummy

faces still catch my eyes. Beautiful~~~~~




 I wonder how i would look like if I try on that yellow evening dress?

Must I go with a pair of super high heels otherwise the bottom of

this silk-like yellow evening dress would tag on the floor.


To be honest,

a lot of windows there are decorated with fashionable or romantic

ideas, for instance, the window behind me, has an artistic red flower

arrangement, isn't that lovely?





Well, mom loves this window as well.

Watch the birdie, smile~~~~  :)


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