

Her name is Hana, a 4-year-old labrador.

Her big, apricot round eyes, slightly obese belly (actually her belly is

able to touch the floor once she got her kness down.) and slim legs

are all belonged to her unique features.

I picked her home when she was only a 3-month-old puppy, when

she arrived home she immediately won everyone's heart coz her

tiny-winy face was so cute!!!! Everything was incredible tiny, her

eye's, ears, tail, four not too long legs and her fur ball-like body.

Each element



 Let's see her silly faces!

Well...I don't know why but she looks like constipated...



 That is a smile.

Obviously she also enjoyed that sunny day with gentel breeze.

Nice face, Hana!  :)



 Chubby body with 4 thin and long legs.

I love this photo, simply because of her beautiful posture.



I laugh everytime i see this photo~



The last one photo.

She was looking at something else and I luckily snapped the moment that

she stepped and turned another angle.


Hana has always been our family partner, everyone adores her and

we also enjoy her company.



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