



(To the left:  my sis, cousin Helen with her two kids, me and

my cousin  Hon, enjoyed the happy moment while taking the photo.)



This time, I proudily present theGREAT FEAT in SHIN TUNG NAN

(新東南) seafood resturant where we celebrated grandma's birthday.





Check this out! There are 4 sets in the manu. This time we chose

the second one from the left which cost NTD 7800 per table, extra

10% service charged.





Believe me. These 12 cusines really lead you to the heaven of Food.

remain doubts for what I say? mmmmm..........

Keep reading and you'll realise how wonderful they were.




綜合刺身 Sashimi conbined with 7 different types of fishes.

Of course that salmon and tuna are the must haves!!!



珍珠拚盤 smoked duck in the middle, the clock wine: salted chicken,

roasted pepper pork, and dried squid egg.) My favorite is dried squid

edd!!  yammmmy.







The extra older. 涼拌洋蔥 Cold onion made in Thai flavour.

With a mild flavour, bit of spicy amd sour but really makes you addict to it.





The extra older.  龍蝦三明治 Laboster sandwish. 

 Cripsy layer covers the soft texture of toast, the filling are the main

role---laboster, cucumber, slice of cheese and ham, tomato and peach.)

These combination really has the power to amaze your mouth!





龍蝦沙鍋煲  Stir-fry laboster, sea shrips and mussels with bean noodles.

Let me get this straight. Number 1 out of these 12 cusines. Excuse me

for I added one more photo of it.





The fresh seafood extra juice sinks onto the bean noodle to make it

increase another wonderful and smooth flavour! Just one bit of the

stir-fry laboster would sucessfully ruin your slim diet plan. The meat

of laboster is firm and quarantee you with a sweet taste!




明蝦焗起司 Japanese shrips with cheese toping.  I adore shrips.

I don't refuse seafood as long as it calls strip, what's more, it got

melted cheese on the top! Gosh~ I can deal with all of them just by

myself. What do I mean?  I always have great appetize with shrip and

without a doubt, I am able to finish them all!






軟殼蟹椒鹽 salt pepper soft crab. Eat it without peeling the crab shell.

It taste crispy and cruchy as well. In addition, the flavour is some kind

similar with one of Taiwanese famous snacks--- saulted pepper chicken.

(I'm not so sure about the English name of 塩酥雞。) Boys, now you're

in the happiness coz this cusine is a best friend with beer. hahahahah.






 佛跳牆  I call it Mixed Stew coz it is a traditional cusine that

assemble with a variety of materials, veggies like mushroom, baby yam,

baby bampoo, pork and some seafood kinds. I would say this is a comment

cusine that exists in every chinese resturant.





清蒸海魚 Steamed Bass. I am not a fishholic therefore just 1 or 2 bits

would be enough. The flavour is good, and less than 10 minutes the

bass vanished. Been swallowed and digested in everybody's stomach.




米糕壽司船 Sticky rice sushi boat . What? sushi is such an ordinary dish? 

No, dear. Once you tasted these, those special flavour would stay in

your memory forever. There are three varied.

To the left, shrip-edd wrapped sushi, soyoil soaked eer-topping sushi

and black rice sushi.



See? Everyone was tring to invade that sushi boat

with chopsticks!!  Can imagain how they were crazy

for this.






One snap on purple sticky rice sushi.

To be honest, I was intending about having another bite of others but

you know, rice is able to fill up the empty space of the stomach...I must

have a quit otherwise I could soon be too full to try the rest of dishes.






 鮑魚燴鳥參  Braised Abalone and sea cucumber with oyster sauce

Another must have cusine in a traditional seafood restaurant. By the

time this cusine was served on the table, I was taking photos with my

relatives who settled in the other table.






魚首味噌鍋  Seafood miso soup.

I always love miso soup, however, I didn't try this one coz was still

busy about the process of photography.....Bye, miso soup.







 甜品生輝 Chinese red dates with sweet sticky rice filling.

When i came back to my table...this was what I saw and left.

I am not really into chinese red dates so just had a try on it.

Well, its mild and propper sweetness would intrigue your tongue to

have another one.   A simple and friendly dessert.







鏽锈鮮果  Tropical Fruit and Ice cream

Watermelon, guava and three different flavours of ice cream.

Ice cream is always my favorite dessert. ^_^ There were flavour of

peanut, taro and vanilla to choose.  However, I was too full to swallow






Well, following these were the cusines I had in the birthday feast

and I was so happy to taste those amazing food that night. This

seafood resturant will definately be my highly-recommanded list.

mmmmm...I guess our family is going to try this place again soon!










I just really love this photo so do excuse me for I added the extra one

at the end of the article.

I really love my family...^____^


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